Located on the island of Stromness in the Orkneys visitors arrive and depart using the nearby Ferry service. This results in high and low periods of usage within the galleries and the design brief called for a control system that could provide a mix of scene setting control and occupancy detection ensuring the exhibits are correctly illuminated while people are in the centre but lighting levels drop when areas are unoccupied to ensure energy efficient operation whilst maintaining a welcoming appearance to the building. Lighting scenes within each gallery are programmed and saved via a simple to use, graphics based, PC software package allowing staff to adjust lighting to suit different exhibitions without the need to call in external engineers.
Product used
Evolution Control Plates
Offering versatile yet simple control of the Evolution system, the Evolution range of control plates offers adaptable lighting management controls.
Evolution Power and Processor Unit
The Evolution lighting system offers intelligent, multi-protocol control and can handle an expanding range of light sources and control options, to metal halide, fluorescent and LED lighting, with an astronomical time clock the Power and Processor units are available as standard from 3A to 20A with leading, trailing edge and high power switching versions all linkable to create the desired fully networked system.
Product details
Upon arrival at the Arts Centre staff operate a global scene bringing on lighting in the offices, reception and general public spaces. The Gallery lighting is simultaneously bought on at a low level and the occupancy detection activated.
Throughout the day sensors in each gallery control the lighting, fading between minimum levels and the client defined exhibition illumination levels.
When the Centre closes a single button turns the majority of lighting off but retains minimum level of lighting required for security access and monitoring which also allows the building to remain a focal point on the harboughside.
The Evolution System is connected to the Fire Alarm and Security systems ensuring that should either system trigger in an emergency all lighting comes up to full brightness and the presence detector control is ignored.
With its remote location the need for user adjustable lighting controls was essential. By using the graphical package lighting scenes can be quickly changed within individual galleries, saved and recalled via the multi page LCD control plate menus.