The SET-DPCS (Daylux PC Software) is used to commission the Daylux Lighting Control system. A simple to use windows based software applicaton, designed to be used by commissioning engineers and end users alike. With its Windows Explorer style viewing panes the SET-DPCS software has been developed with a familiar feel and look which PC users will be accustomed to. As the Daylux system is self reliant with distributed intelligence through out the system, once programmed the SET_DPCS software is not required to run in the background. The software comes complete with a PC interface that plugs into the PC’s USB port providing a two wire connection directly to the Daylux system.
Lighting Software

DAYLUX Lighting Software
Key features
• Windows based Commissioning Software.
• Includes USB interface for connection of PC to the Daylux system.
• Device configuration and programming.
• Time clock scheduling.
• System monitoring, reporting and activity history.
• System back up and restore.
• Mode Lighting products are guaranteed for two years.